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Our Blogs

Get the latest insights from EAB experts on a variety of topics and terrains from enrollment to student success to K-12 education to higher education strategy and beyond.


Are you prepared to recruit ‘Gen P’?

Here are three key insights for enrollment leaders about recruiting this new generation of students.
Enrollment Blog

The top 5 ways prospective graduate and adult learners are finding your programs

Our Adult Learner Recruitment team recently surveyed more than 3,800 graduate and adult learners to learn more about…
Adult Education Blog

30 Student success priorities for the 2020s

This blog explores three major trends in student success and outlines 30 student success priorities for the 2020s.
Student Success Blog

Most strategic plans fail to set useful goals. Why these mistakes make it impossible to meet institutional objectives.

This blog outlines the importance of clear strategic goals and identifies three most common failure paths for strategic…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

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Recent and Featured Posts from Every Blog

  • Enrollment Blog

    Are you prepared for what’s next in the enrollment landscape?

    The remarkable convergence of crises our nation has faced since the start of the pandemic has amounted to a stress test for higher education, revealing strengths and vulnerabilities that previously went unnoticed, were underestimated, or were perhaps misunderstood.

  • Student Success Blog

    4 ways to build faculty buy-in for student success initiatives

    Faculty are in a unique position to provide academic and personal support to students, and their guidance can have a positive impact on student outcomes. But institutions face common roadblocks when trying to secure faculty buy-in for major student success initiatives. Read this post to learn 4 ways to build faculty buy-in.

  • Advancement Blog

    What Advancement Leaders Can Learn from Enrollment Leaders About Gen Z

    As the “demographic cliff” nears, enrollment leaders are focused on meeting the needs of gen z students and finding the best ways to engage them.

  • Advancement Blog

    5 top priorities for advancement leaders in 2023

    EAB identified 5 top priorities for advancement leaders from a survey of chief advancement officers across the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

  • Advancement Blog

    5 top priorities for advancement leaders in 2023

    In April 2023, EAB surveyed chief advancement officers across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom asking them to identify the most pressing issues for their advancement shops. The 95+ respondents included leaders at both public and private institutions, whose student counts ranged from less than 2,000 to more than 50,000.

  • K-12 District Leadership Blog

    When hiring teachers, avoid these 3 mistakes

    This blog shares three strategic processes districts can put into practice today to avoid mistakes when hiring teachers this upcoming year.

  • K-12 District Leadership Blog

    Why chronic absenteeism is so high—and how district leaders can start fixing it

    This blog identifies three reasons chronic absenteeism is so high today and addresses how to get it under control.

  • Student Success Blog

    How schools are expanding student mental health support without hiring more counselors

    As many as 3 in 4 students now say they considered leaving college at some point over the last 6 months due to emotional stress. Few institutions feel they're fully staffed to meet this challenge as mental health professionals are in short supply and often already over capacity. This blog discusses how schools are expanding mental health support without hiring more counselors—and the role technology can play.

  • Community College Blog

    3 Tips to Streamline Community College Compliance Reporting

    Reporting and compliance tasks are critical, but their time-intensive nature can bog data teams down. Read this post to learn 3 ways to simplify the reporting process for your community college—freeing up your teams’ time for more strategic initiatives.
