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Our Blogs

Get the latest insights from EAB experts on a variety of topics and terrains from enrollment to student success to K-12 education to higher education strategy and beyond.


Are you prepared to recruit ‘Gen P’?

Here are three key insights for enrollment leaders about recruiting this new generation of students.
Enrollment Blog

The top 5 ways prospective graduate and adult learners are finding your programs

Our Adult Learner Recruitment team recently surveyed more than 3,800 graduate and adult learners to learn more about…
Adult Education Blog

30 Student success priorities for the 2020s

This blog explores three major trends in student success and outlines 30 student success priorities for the 2020s.
Student Success Blog

Most strategic plans fail to set useful goals. Why these mistakes make it impossible to meet institutional objectives.

This blog outlines the importance of clear strategic goals and identifies three most common failure paths for strategic…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

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  • K-12 District Leadership Blog

    Increase principal capacity by expanding teacher leadership: Lessons from Denver Public Schools

    The principal role has become increasingly demanding in recent years, but with the outbreak of COVID-19, the job has only grown in complexity and difficulty. Some districts have successfully embraced alternative leadership models that have allowed for more efficient and effective school leadership. Learn more about the distributed leadership model.

  • Enrollment Blog

    Which institutions benefit most from countercyclical enrollment growth?

    Facing an economic downturn and fierce competition for undergraduate enrollments, colleges and universities are looking for a silver lining: countercyclical enrollments. This tendency for enrollments to increase as the economy declines is well documented. But leadership at four-year institutions shouldn’t get their hopes up. Not every institution benefits equally from these additional students. The Great Recession had a far smaller impact on baccalaureate and graduate enrollments than it did on community colleges and vocational programs.

  • Data & Analytics Blog

    Is your data ready to support COVID-19 recovery?

    Ask these three questions to evaluate your data readiness to respond to COVID-19, across key principles of accessibility, quality, and agility.

  • Higher Education Strategy Blog

    How a public health expert responded to COVID-19 on campus

    "Our people are afraid, whether it's our board members, faculty, staff, students, or members of our community. But I am hopeful and confident that information can help us overcome fear," says Dr. Melinda Treadwell, president of Keene State College.

  • K-12 District Leadership Blog

    Traditional developmental education will fail students experiencing “coronavirus slide.” Here’s what higher ed can do to fix it.

    Today’s K-12 students experiencing "coronavirus slide” are tomorrow’s rising college students, who will require more support to be successful once they arrive on college campuses or log in to their first virtual orientation session. While the education sector’s disjointed ecosystem has long created roadblocks for students, COVID-19 and its impact on learning loss highlights an urgent need to reform developmental education now to best support learning for incoming students and improve equity in student success.

  • Student Success Blog

    You need a peer-advising team this fall

    Peer-advising teams are an cost-effective way to expand the reach of your student support efforts. See seven steps to create your own in just a few weeks.

  • Higher Education Strategy Blog

    Change management principles to help guide academic leaders during COVID-19

    Explore three principles that can help department chairs, deans, and provosts lead during uncertainty.

  • Enrollment Blog

    Does your virtual college tour meet today’s digital expectations?

    Use this framework to evaluate your current or prospective virtual tour solution and reflect on areas of opportunity to provide maximum value and impact your institutional goals.

  • Enrollment Blog

    Reevaluating your prospective student communications in the time of COVID-19

    There are elements of your communication strategy that are more important than ever to double down on, and others that must be reconsidered or added. There are simple ways even well-meaning institutions can go wrong, and the stakes of getting it wrong are high. EAB is here to support you through this process.
