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Our Blogs

Get the latest insights from EAB experts on a variety of topics and terrains from enrollment to student success to K-12 education to higher education strategy and beyond.


Are you prepared to recruit ‘Gen P’?

Here are three key insights for enrollment leaders about recruiting this new generation of students.
Enrollment Blog

The top 5 ways prospective graduate and adult learners are finding your programs

Our Adult Learner Recruitment team recently surveyed more than 3,800 graduate and adult learners to learn more about…
Adult Education Blog

30 Student success priorities for the 2020s

This blog explores three major trends in student success and outlines 30 student success priorities for the 2020s.
Student Success Blog

Most strategic plans fail to set useful goals. Why these mistakes make it impossible to meet institutional objectives.

This blog outlines the importance of clear strategic goals and identifies three most common failure paths for strategic…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

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  • 7 behaviors that guarantee inaccurate course capacities

    The maximum enrollment capacity, or max cap, of a class is used to calculate fill rates. But these seven common behaviors can lead to inaccurate max caps, often resulting in bottleneck courses or underfilled courses. Learn how you can ensure accurate max caps at your campus.

  • 3 myths about online education

    Despite a growth in both the number of online and hybrid programs and student enrollments, misconceptions about the potential and limitations of these modalities persist. Read on to learn about the three myths of online education.

  • To meet enrollment goals, take a closer look at program offerings

    Read about the three points in the enrollment pipeline where chairs and faculty can improve curriculum and pedagogy based on program-level data.

  • Adult Education Blog

    4 common mistakes graduate schools make in their corporate outreach strategy

    Even well-meaning plans for corporate collaborations can veer off-course, especially when it comes to initiating contact and managing ongoing communications. Whether you are creating your corporate relationship strategy for the first time or fine-tuning your existing one, here are four common outreach mistakes you'll want to avoid.

  • Data & Analytics Blog

    Improve your IT talent pool with candidate-centric recruiting

    In today's competitive hiring environment, having a strong employer brand is important to attract the best IT talent, including in higher ed. Creating candidate-focused job descriptions, "get to know us" job sites, and customized on-campus experiences will increase recruitment success in competitive talent pools.

  • Adult Education Blog

    Ask these 3 questions to design student-centric credentials

    Consider these three questions to encourage program completion and reduce future headaches for COE teams.

  • Community College Blog,Student Success Blog

    Beyond access: How to deliver on your college’s promise program

    With over 200 communities across 44 states offering College Promise Programs, the urgency to improve retention and graduation is greater than ever. While Promise Programs provide unparalleled access for underrepresented populations, they must be paired with equal attention to student success. Learn how technology and accountability standards can help us keep our promise to students.

  • Higher Education Strategy Blog

    These instructional capacity metrics are outdated. Here’s what to use instead

    Learn three outdated instructional capacity metrics and three new analyses that better reflect the new realities of higher education and the everyday experiences of students and faculty.

  • Adult Education Blog

    Why paid search doesn’t have to break your graduate program’s marketing budget

    While most colleges and universities know paid search is valuable for engaging prospective graduate students, many don’t realize they’re overpaying for clicks. Or if they do, they aren’t sure how to bring costs down. Learn five cost-effective rules for paid search.
